CBUB / Database / Sci-Fi / M / Machiko Noguchi

Machiko Noguchi

CBUB Wins: 2
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 100.00%

Added by: RakaiThwei

Read more about Machiko Noguchi at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Twentieth Century Fox

The Aliens vs. Predator novel series is a trilogy of novels that belong to the fictional crossover franchise of Aliens vs. Predator, based on the original Aliens vs. Predator comic book series by Dark Horse Comics.

Machiko Noguchi supervises a ranching colony on the planet Ryushi. Meanwhile a Predator hunting clan (referred in this series as "Yaútja") arrives at Ryushi to face off the deadly race of Xenomorphs. Soon the storylines intertwine into an action packed story of survival.

Noguchi receives an offer by a wealthy man named Livermore Evanston to attend his own hunter paradise on the planet Blior which will be known to Noguchi as the deadliest planet of all space.

On a swamp planet, entitled Bunda, Noguchi must rescue human survivors who are in the middle of the Predator raid. The events of this story take place in between Prey and Hunter's Planet.

Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi Machiko Noguchi

Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

For images 200x200 or 300x300 pixels square.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Win The Xenomorphs 15 to 8
Win Black Spider Ninja Clan 11 to 5

No Fantasy Draft Records Available